18:09 22 April 2015
Grant Shapps, the Conservative Party chairman, has been accused of editing his Wikipedia page, removing mentions of embarrassing incidents from the site. Shapps has strongly denied the claims.
Meanwhile, Wikipedia has suspended an account named Contribsx, which was used to edit Grant Shapp’s page, as well as other major political figures including Conservative and Labour MPs.
Administrators told the newspaper they "believe that the account Contribsx is a sock-puppet of Grant Shapps' previous accounts on Wikipedia...
and based on the evidence the account is either run by Shapps directly or being run by someone else - an assistant or a PR agency - but under his clear direction".
Mr Shapps took to Twitter to deny the claim. He wrote: "It is, for the record, another false smear from the Guardian. Without any truth whatsoever."
A Conservative Party spokesman added: "This Guardian smear is categorically false and defamatory.
"It is untrue from start to finish, and was quite likely dreamt up by the Labour press office.
"Sadly it is typical of the smears coming from those who would rather not debate policy and substance."