16:39 02 March 2016
A recent study has revealed that lack of sleep causes the brain to release drug-like brain chemical called 2-AG, which stays in the body longer, resulting in people snacking on unhealthier foods throughout the day. Aside from weight gain, not getting enough sleep is also linked to the following:
· Worst sex life – According to a poll released by the National Sleep Foundation, a quarter of adults have admitted that lack of sleep makes them too exhausted to perform.
· Depression – A research has found that people who lack sleep are five times more likely to suffer from low mood.
· Unhappier relationships – Insomnia sufferers are found to be four times more likely to have relationship problems than those who sleep at least seven hours a night.
· More wrinkles - Estée Lauder’s director of skin biology, Nadine Pernodet, says: “At night, energy and cellular functions focus to prepare the skin to defend itself against the environment the next morning. Less sleep means less repair, and even less defence, causing more wrinkles over time.”