17:25 08 May 2013
The Queen spoke on the government’s legislative agenda on Wednesday 8th May, 2013. Here is a brief recap of some of the points touched on during her speech:
• Curbing immigration - this includes factors such as NHS access.
• UK economy – the government is to continue focusing on the British economy, and also to “work to promote a fairer society that rewards people who work hard”.
• National Insurance – this is in relation to a certain exemption when it comes to employers, in order to help with jobs and smaller companies.
• High speed rail line – matters concerning second tier funding.
• Looking at refunds process to benefit consumers.
• Social care costs with regards to England.
• The loved ones of elderly/disabled persons when it comes to their support rights.
• Pensions – matters concerning a single-tier pension of £144 per week based on contemporary prices.
The above were points related to during the Queen’s speech, among others. Pricing on alcohol was not touched on during the 2013 speech, nor was the topic of cigarette packaging.