08:26 08 May 2013
Student pursuing university programmes in the film industry may find themselves without as many loans as they anticipated. Individuals may be able to take advantage of a scholarship programmed up to £10,000 for studies in film, games and television. The programme involves Bafta and job placement possibilities with Warner Bros.
What does this mean for students?
This is a great way to foster involvement in some of the most popular industries currently. These are typically well-paid industries, though also competitive. Enabling students to achieve their goals not only helps them achieve their dreams, but also provides a solid foundation for improving their circumstances.
Students will be able to reduce the amount of loans they might typically need, and those who may not have even been able to consider pursuing such a degree in the past, may be able to do so with the assistance of such a scholarship.
The scholarships also help the industry find talented individuals who might never have the opportunity otherwise to become involved, so the plan is that the scholarships will be mutually beneficial. Students taking advantage of this opportunity can look forward to fewer overall loans to repay, valuable job experience, and introduction into a competitive field. Students will receive a quality education in the industries of television, games, and film.