Super-Stu competes for cape
Stuart has taken on a new super-hero not-so-secret identity, but met his match in the nefarious super-villain Big Brother.
17:39 14 July 2004
Stuart has taken on a new super-hero not-so-secret identity, but met his match in the nefarious super-villain Big Brother.
But not before the authoritarian elder sibling frustrated in his plans by a triumvirate Super-Stu, super-bright Shell and girl-wonder Nadia.
It all began one sunny morning in the house, when mild mannered student Stuart Wilson went into the Diary Room.
"You may not have noticed, but you appear to be wearing a flag from the task [as a cape]," said Big Brother.
Realising what was at stake, and remembering the fate of Jonny Horizontal, Stu seemingly left the flag on the chair on his way out, but once he had opened the door snatched back his prize.
He proceeded to charge into the garden and kept running in circles.
"I've got Big Brother on my tail," he panted to Jason - after the sorry scene had been repeated a second time.
Eventually the flag/cape was abandoned to the mercies of the Diary Room, but other heroes - sensing Stu was tiring, took up the cause.
Shell ran in, nicked the garment, then passed it to Nadia.
"You have to fight us for it!" proclaimed Nadia and ran into the garden.
Shell intercepted Stuart as he gave chase and Nadia escaped into the toilet.
Eventually the now capeless Super-Stu prevailed - and returned the flag to the fortress of the Diary Room, at least until next time . . .