11:25 30 May 2013
Smoking cannot do your body nor your pocket any good.
Let’s say you spend £6 per day on your cigarettes, do you ever wonder what that money could do for you, especially now that the economy isn’t doing great?
£6 per day makes £180 per month. You could spend this amount on your car insurance for example, or several movie dates with your significant other, or you could even put it in your retirement fund.
Saving money shouldn’t be your sole motivation for quitting cigarettes though. The more important factor should be your health.
I am sure you know that smoking is extremely dangerous to your body. It can shorten your life span – that’s a known fact. Plus it is the cause of several cardiovascular diseases.
If you start quitting smoking today, you can save a lot of money in years to come. Again, you can use the money that you saved on various other things. You can also expect to reap health benefits right away.
Within the first week of not smoking, it is believed that your blood pressure and pulse are expected to return to normal. A year of no cigarettes would help lower the risk of heart disease, lung cancer and stroke. Now, isn’t that worth it?
Many people are turning to electronic cigarettes these days as a way to help them stop smoking. There are other alternatives, such as nicotine patches and gum, as well as hypnosis, but many people seem to be favouring e-cigarettes.
Electronic Cigarettes release nicotine to the body in place of having a cigarette.