Six to face eviction
The six remaining Big Brother housemates will all be up for eviction next week.
13:04 24 July 2004
The six remaining Big Brother housemates will all be up for eviction next week.
Instead of nominations, the public will vote for the housemate they want to be removed from the house next Friday.
Victor became the latest housemate to be evicted last night ahead of Nadia, Jason and Dan, who had also been nominated.
The Londoner embraced his fellow "Jungle Cat" Jason before leaving and now the Scotsman has been contemplating life without his best friend in the house.
"It's gonna be tough for me in here," he told Big Brother as he imagined life without Vic.
"I'm gonna have to sort of maybe try and mingle a bit more," he added.
Clearly Jason would rather be by himself rather than make small talk with housemates with whom he has rarely seen eye-to-eye.
"I don't feel the need to chill out with them for company...I'd rather be on my own," he sighed. "We'll see how it goes."
Jason will be the favourite to face eviction in next week's vote but he seems happy to still be in the house.
"I half expected to go so at least I'm still here...that's a very good achievement," he told BB.