Kelly Osbourne's weight breakdown
09:30 20 June 2005
Kelly Osbourne has reportedly not been admitted to rehab for drugs - but a complete mental breakdown over her weight.
According to the star's mother, Sharon Osbourne, Kelly is being treated at the Las Encinas Hospital in California after being attacked by critics over weight and looks.
Earlier this month, it was reported Kelly, who has battled an alcohol and painkiller addiction, checked herself into the clinic for drug problems.
But Sharon said: "Kelly had a breakdown because of her weight. This is not, I repeat, not about drugs. I wish it were that simple, but it's not. Kelly had a complete mental breakdown."
The final straw came when speaking to a British chat show host who asked her if her photos had been digitally manipulated to make herself look skinny.
Sharon added: "That was the straw that broke the camel's back. We were all really frightened. We didn't know what she might do. So, we decided Kelly needed treatment."
According to her mum, Kelly, who is "doing much better" will stay in rehab until the end of June.
(c) BANG Media International