10:43 30 May 2013
The Irish government is planning to follow in the footsteps of Australia; the first ever country in the world to ban branding on cigarette packages by using uniform labeling.
The goal is to make cigarette packets less attractive to consumers so the level of smoking can be reduced.
James Reilly, the Health Minister, has discussed the matter before the Irish cabinet on Tuesday where he got the ‘go’ signal to draft the proposed law - which he expects to be in force by next year.
Reportedly, Mr. Reilly expects to face challenges against the move. However, he is confident that the legislation will be justified as it will save lives.
He said: “Smoking places an enormous burden of illness and mortality on our society, with over 5,200 people dying every year from tobacco-related diseases.
“One in two of all smokers will die from their addiction.”
Adding: “To replace the smokers who quit, the tobacco industry needs to recruit 50 new smokers in Ireland every day just to maintain smoking rates at their current level.”
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