13:53 05 August 2016
Scientists from the University of California, San Diego have created a ‘temporary tattoo’ that could prevent drunk driving incidents. The disposable sticky circuit board was designed to measure a wearer’s alcohol levels when applied to the skin. The results are sent to the wearer’s smartphone via Bluetooth letting them know the alcohol content of their sweat and decide if they’re too drunk to drive.
IEEE reported that the new method could be an accurate and simpler alternative to using breathalysers or measuring person’s blood by pricking their finger.
Sahar Danesh from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), said: 'We are now starting to see research and development around devices that can monitor our health and wellbeing and inform us of any change in our condition.
'As smart technology develops we will see innovations like electronic-skin, that can tell you about your health in real time and give you information on things like, how much alcohol is in your system.
'There is the potential for these innovations to play a useful role in continuing efforts to keep our roads and drivers safe.'