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Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecast

Daily Reading: Capricorn

Sometimes, when attempting to solve a problem, or remember a useful piece of information, we rack our brain for ages without finding the answer. Eventually, there's no choice but to give up, and move on to something else. You stop thinking about it. A while later, when you're focused on different matters, the solution/memory pops into your mind. As we enter the dark of the Moon, you enter a time of pause. You can relax and allow yourself to be distracted. You'll get back on track when the time is right.

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Your forecast from Jonathan Cainer, Britain's top astrologer.

Your daily reading for 27th January 2025:

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UK: 0906 601 1310 (60p per min)

RoI: 1550 92 37 47 (euro. 0.74 per min)

Any problems: 0845 121 2255

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