11:28 14 August 2013
Travelling from Los Angeles to San Francisco by car is about six hours and it’s about one hour by plane. However, with Elon Musk’s hyperloop transport system idea, the travel time can be cut to only 30 minutes.
The Paypal founder and billionaire entrepreneur and inventor has proposed a public transport system that aims to serve more consumers without asking them to spend money than they would have if they’re going to take a plane.
Mr. Mask described the technology, which he first mentioned more than a year ago, as solar-powered, reliable, and safe regardless of weather conditions.
Mr. Musk talked about his idea in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek. He said, as referred to in one report by The Independent: “The safe distance between the pods would be about five miles, so you could have about 70 pods between Los Angeles and San Francisco that leave every 30 seconds.
“It’s like getting a ride on Space Mountain at Disneyland. Passengers would experience a G-force no greater than that of a sports car.” He described the ride as “super smooth.”
However, Mr. Musk said that right now, he is too busy to develop the project himself. He added that he released the plans so that other firms or interested individuals might develop and improve on them.