Beyoncé can't curry on
09:30 02 June 2005
Beyoncé Knowles has been banned by her personal trainer from eating chicken curries.
The enforcement comes after the singer's Indian food obsession spun out of control six months ago when she reportedly had the calorie-laden dish couriered 3,000 miles from London to New York.
The singer has also been told not to secretly gorge herself at curry houses.
Beyoncé said: "When I first went to Britain I had a curry and it was unbelievably delicious. It was really, really good. I've been hooked ever since!"
Meanwhile, the star believes she can never be as skinny as she would like.
The curvaceous singer claims her stomach isn't flat enough - despite going through 'agonising' procedures.
She told Britain's Star magazine: "I go through agonies to keep my stomach as flat as possible - though it is never flat enough for me. I gave up on burgers, fries and stuff like that to get in shape."
(c) BANG Media International