12:35 08 April 2015
Microsoft is hiring more people with autism for its Redmond headquarters. The pilot scheme will see the opening of 10 full-time
positions. Senior executive Mary Ellen Smith said that autistic workers bring strengths that the company is looking for.
She added: "Each individual is different, some have an amazing ability to retain information, think at a level of detail and
depth or excel in math or code."
Sarah Lambert, from the National Autistic Society, said: "It's encouraging to see a global company like Microsoft recognise the
untapped potential of adults with autism.
"Many may have strengths such as accuracy, a good eye for detail and reliability, which can benefit all sorts of businesses,
not just the technology industry.
"However, at the moment, just 15% of adults with autism in the UK are in full-time employment.
"Simple adjustments, like making job interviews more accessible and providing support to help those in work understand the
'unwritten rules' of the workplace can unlock the potential of a whole section of society."