18:18 08 December 2015
The MORPHotel, designed by Gianluca Santosuosso, is a sprawling, floating ecosystem. Featuring a kilometre-long "spine" with detachable boats at each end, it will offer holidaymakers a room with an ever-changing view as the float-el moves across the ocean currents.
The ambitious idea behind the luxurious floating paradise is to take guests to new and unknown places.
Because of the ship's features, it can easily become an extension of the cities it harbours in, allowing their inhabitants to access its amenities on board.
The MORPHotel is going to be self-sufficient as it will feature solar panels, rainwater and wave energy harvesting, and floating vegetable garden.
Gianluca, 32, from London, said: "When I started to think about the project I first wondered to myself what the most luxurious thing we have is? The answer was time.
"From this came the idea, and then concept, of this never ending travel across the world without a precise destination, without hurry.
"I believe the idea of the journey itself, without a precise destination, is a dream shared among most people.
"This is the reason way this project, the idea behind it, raised the interest of many people, especially in the hospitality industry.
"I had a contact with possible developers interested in the project and I am quite confident that nowadays, with the right technologies, would be possible to build something following the concept of MORPHotel."