10:25 04 May 2013
Creating that saving and security net that all the financial advisors have been harp for all of us to do have become that allusive ghost that most Brits have been contending with.
On the premise that a certain percentage of income should and can be set aside to both security and savings and the reality of such actions, especial with recent economic conditions leaving no household unscathed, at the far end of two scales.
While trying to adjust for inflation, not all wages have caught up or maintain equal footing with cost of living expenses. Bare bones expenses related to housing, food, and transportation can no longer be divided into 3rds or even in some cases, 8th when additional other necessities such as medical and dental expenses come into play.
And putting aside a few pence at a time into a savings and security accounts will do little if hit with even a minor financial bump. But trying to do something no matter how small is better than doing absolutely nothing. After all, it can only stay dark for so long.
It is a good idea to have something set into some kind of savings and security net account even when the it is seem very impossible to put even a couple of pence aside.