16:29 05 March 2014
Scientists are now giving you more reasons to stop eating too much meat and cheese. Based on their study, taking more than what is recommended can be ‘as dangerous to your health as smoking’.
A study of a thousand men and women who were in their 50s found that those who ate the most animal protein were almost twice likely to die early compared to those who did not. Also, they are more than four times likely to die of cancer – a figure that is the same to smoking.
Researchers said that this is because of the protein found not just in meat but also on cheese, eggs, and animal products that are feeding tumours and fuelling ageing of the body’s cells. Because of this, they recommend cutting back on these products and eat more fish, beans, and lentils.
Professor Longo said: ‘Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancer cell in them at some point. The question is: “Does it progress?” Turns out one of the major factors in determining it is protein intake.’