19:16 07 May 2015
Parents are naturally supportive of their children during exam season, but this is a tricky time as emotions are running high. Parents who try to encourage their children can easily say things that can start an argument. Below are the ones to avoid at all cost:
1."Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's only a bit of paper, and whatever happens we still..."
2."Remember how well your sister did."
3."How can you do any work with all those screens running at once?"
4."At least the exams are much easier now."
5."It's lucky you've only chosen easy subjects."
6."You can only do your best."
7.Stupid 'brain food' ideas.
8."Do you want me to test you on a few things?"
9."You'll kick yourself if you've only missed out by one mark."
Other things that students would prefer not to hear are:
"Just do your best that's all we ask of you".... Lynn, Hull
I don't know why I bother... It was easier when you were babies! Pete, Cambridge
As my boss used to say to me for professional exams "Failure is not an option!". Except it was... Paul, Brighton
We won't be angry if you don't get the grades, just disappointed... Kate, Stockport