17:48 06 November 2015
A new survey has revealed the top 15 fears of British men and some of the answers might not be what you’re expecting. Based on the survey’s results, it seems that the modern man is somewhat image conscious that hair loss is more frightening than losing his job.
The survey, which was participated by 2,000 British men, found that up to 33per cent of men are worried about losing their hair.
Psychologist Emma Kenny said: “Men’s self-esteem is often underestimated and baldness considered an issue they should simply accept, yet hair is very much part of a human beings identity and enables us to express our style and be confident within our appearance.
"Losing it can be stressful and have a significant impact on body image in a culture that views hair as a sign of youth and good health. It's important that men start to feel at ease discussing a subject that affects so many of them yet still remains a taboo topic of conversation.”
British men’s top fifteen fears
1. Illness (41%)
2. Death (35.5%)
3. Old age (31%)
4. Terrorist attack (27%)
5. Getting into debt (21%)
6. Being burgled (19%)
7. Losing their hair (17%)
8. Losing job (16%)
9. Snakes, spiders etc. (13%)
10. Partner cheating on you (11%)
11. Knocking front teeth out (10.5%)
12. Entire internet search history being made public (8%)
13. Favourite sports team losing a tournament (7%)
14. Seeing parents naked (4%)
15. Clowns (3%)