10:51 11 May 2013
Many people were out of work in Wales when multiple factories were shut down, and roughly 62per cent of the people who were let go are still unemployed.
Some better news is that the Remploy scheme has been extended so those who are currently living off their savings accounts may be able to being adding back to those accounts as the situation improves.
The scheme’s focus is on trying to integrate the unemployed back into the mainstream workforce so individuals will be able to have a stable income and rejuvenate the savings accounts that they have no doubt been forced to access during this period of unemployment.
Here are a few ways the scheme plans to assist people:
Having clear-cut goals is the first step towards success, but it appears that there is no definitive plan yet which would provide reassurance to those who are currently unemployed and living off whatever they have in their savings accounts and whatever government assistance is currently provided.
A few things which may help people could include the following:
These and many more options could be implemented to provide those who are unemployed a way to obtain more long-term success as well as help with the issues of immediate employment. The economy still presents some difficulties; however, it’s imperative for the success of families and individuals that the opportunities to work and replenish their savings accounts are present.