14:38 14 April 2015
A leading authority on demonic possession said that the proliferation of “beautiful young vampires” in TV series and Hollywood films could encourage young people to dabble occult forces.
Professor Giuseppe Ferrari said: “There are those who try to turn people into vampires and make them drink other people’s blood, or encourage them to have special sexual relations to obtain special powers. These groups are attracted by the so-called beautiful young vampires that we’ve seen so much of in recent years.”
He added that exorcisms should only be conducted by properly trained priests.
Meanwhile, Swiss exorcist Father Cesare Truqui, said: “The ministry of performing exorcism is little known among priests. It’s like training to be a journalist without knowing how to do an interview.”
In 2012, the diocese of Milan, had established an exorcism hotline to cope with the demand. “That has to tell us something,” said Father Cesare. He claims to have seen possessed people speaking in tongues and exhibiting unearthly strength, including one “small woman, who could not be pinned down by three strong men”.