15:00 02 March 2013
If so, read on! Whether you’re looking for a new career, or you want something to help you build your finances, here’s our Top 5 Best Interview Tips 2013…
5. Personal Background: Always have plenty to say in interviews, although don’t over-do it as there is a fine line, but make sure you are chatty and confident. We think the best thing to do when a potential employer asks you about yourself, is to be honest. Make sure you are well prepared in order to help you get the job. So, if the work hours are unsociable, say that you are flexible. If the job requires someone who is good with money, let them know if you’ve already started saving for your retirement.
4. Your Goals: People are always asked about their goals during interviews. There’s no point in saying that you want to live in space if the job you’re applying for requires a down-to-earth man or woman we say. So, be tactful. Show you have ambition but also that you don’t live on cloud cuckoo land.
3. Job Responsibilities: During your interview this 2013 be sure to explain what you did in your last job. Embellish on facts if you did something for the good of the company, there’s no harm in it! This is one tip we think is worth taking notice of.
2. The Job in Question: There are many right answers when the interviewer asks you why you have applied for the job. Obviously one wrong answer may be that you don’t care about the job, you just want the money. Explain that it suits your circumstances if the position is for short-term employment for example, or that it interests you if you have been searching for the position high and low.
1. Past Employment: One piece of good advice we can offer is never slate your last boss! It’s number one on our Top 5 Best Interview Tips 2013 list.