17:50 26 November 2012
Although unemployment has been a problem for parts of the UK, Christmas is one time of the year when there seems to be plenty of jobs on offer. With adverts cropping up for Christmas staff, we’ve turned our attention to Christmas jobs that we’d like to do. So, check out this week’s Top 10 ChristmasJobs, you might be surprised…
10. Turkey Plucking: At number ten it’s got to be plucking turkeys. It’s a tough job, and someone’s got to do it…but it’s not at the top of our Christmas Jobs list!
9. Christmas Cracker Packer: Whether this line of work is done abroad or on UK soil we’re not sure, it probably varies from company to company. But we wouldn’t mind packing Christmas crackers into a box, especially not if we were able sing along to Christmas songs on the radio!
8. Christmas Card Picker: A similar type of work, but this may not be based in a factory. There must be many businesses and charities who manually load Christmas cards into a packet, for all of us to buy and send to our loved ones. Number eight in our Top 10 Christmas Jobs list.
7. Reindeer Carer: Very obscure you say? Well, there are reindeer in the UK, some places look after reindeer and even ask for donations to help feed and care for the animals. Father Christmas uses them as his mode of transportation so they’ve got to be looked after properly.
6. Festive Shelf Stacker: This can relate to working in a supermarket, in retail, or even on the outdoor stalls that tend to pop-up at Christmas time. From stacking boxes of Christmas treats, such as chocolates and crisps, to re-stocking mulled wine, we reckon this would be a Christmas job that we wouldn’t mind doing.
5. Snow Plough Driver: What a job! You’re probably thinking, but how does a snow plough worker get to work? With grit determination that’s how! Number five in our Top 10 Christmas Jobs list.
4. Ice Rink Worker: It has to be great to work in an ice rink at Christmas time. Obviously it wouldn’t feel much different to any other time of the year, with it being cold and people turning up wearing scarves and gloves. But imagine if you’re lucky enough to work on an outdoor ice rink, seeing Christmas shoppers go by and perhaps even smelling mulled wine while you’re earning you’re crust. That’s why it’s features in our Top 10!
3. Christmas Cracker Joke Maker: Someone has to do it! How else can jokes appear in crackers (by Christmas Cracker Packers, don’t forget!). And secretly we all love them, aside from winning a paper fish or a set of miniature screw drivers when we pull crackers at Christmas. It’s third in our Top 10 Christmas Jobs!
2. Christmas Elf! Now you may not agree but we would love to dress up at Christmas and be Santa’s little helpers! What better way to get into the spirit of Christmas than to get into fancy dress and get paid for it! It’s in second place on our Christmas Jobs list.
1. Being Father Christmas! This week’s number one spot goes to this very worthy job! It’d mean you’d be very busy at Christmas time, having to listen to all the children over their Christmas wish list, but what a rewarding job! That’s why it’s number one in our Top 10 Christmas Jobs. But please…no Bad Santa’s (the 2003 film).