15:47 02 March 2017
There are various reasons why people adopt a vegan diet, including religious beliefs, health, concerns about the ethical treatment of animals or the use of hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals in the meat industry. Then, there are people who are vegans simply because they do not have the money to purchase meat.
Veganism has become both more accessible and more popular, especially with produce being available year-round in many locations. More restaurants are offering vegan friendly options for customers and culinary influences are placing a heavy emphasis on a plant-based diet. Those who have a masters in health policy from Hofstra Law have also seen the positive impact of a vegan diet, and have included these changes in their policy research.
There are currently approximately five to seven million Americans that do not eat any type of seafood, poultry, beef or pork. This data is per an interactive Harris poll. Even more Americans have eliminated beef, but still consume fish and poultry in their diet.
In the past, it was traditional to focus vegan studies on nutrient deficiencies. However, studies have done a complete ‘about face’ and now they boast the benefits of eating a meat-free diet. These days, vegan diets are not only considered nutritionally sound, but they may also reduce the risks associated with chronic disease.
However, a vegan diet must be appropriately planned. If you do not follow the guidelines that are recommended, you can gain weight and worsen your health. For example, a junk food vegan diet is considered ‘vegan’, but you will still be consuming harmful chemicals, additives and preservatives. It is important to add plenty of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Replace saturated fats with healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
As previously stated, eating a vegan diet can prevent the development of disease in the body. Eating whole grains and nuts, and eliminating dairy and meat, can improve a person’s cardiovascular health. A recent study from Britain indicated that a vegan diet can reduce the development of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Your cholesterol levels will immediately drop when you eliminate foods that come from animals. Your heart and cardiovascular system will appreciate it.
Another study confirmed that when men who were in the first stages of prostate cancer transitioned to a vegan diet, the progression of the disease slowed down. In some cases, the disease was reversed after the person began eating a vegan diet.
A diet with plenty of dark leafy greens, vegetables and fruits like carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin can also reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration as you get older.
Eliminating dairy products like cow’s milk, cheese and ice cream have long been associated with the alleviation of arthritis. A new study has shown that eliminating dairy and gluten from the diet has shown promise of reducing symptoms for those with rheumatoid arthritis.
The Standard American Diet consists of a lot of food and also a lot of unnecessary toxins and food products. By eating a vegan diet whole studying for your healthcare law degree, you can make a positive impact on the environment and your health.