14:01 02 February 2010
Dirty clothes dumped next to the washing basket and toothpaste left in the sink are the top bug-bears for mums, a new survey revealed.
A poll of 3,000 mums unveiled the top 50 irritations they have to contend with on a daily basis.
Over-flowing bins, wee on the toilet seat, marks in the toilet and tissues left in pockets in the wash all drive British mothers bonkers.
Other bug-bears to make the top 10list include leaving empty toilet roll holders, leaving the toilet seat up, empty cartons and boxes in the back of the cupboard or fridge and leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor.
Indeed, eight out of 10 mums say they never realised they did so much for their families, and 79% admit they mutter their way through the days complaining about everything they have to do.
Kathryn Crawford, spokespersom for TheBabyWebsite.com, who conducted the poll said: "These irritations might seem small and insignificant to other people, but when mums find themselves doing absolutely everything for their families, the endless list of tasks soon starts to grate.
"Mums already have enough to do without cleaning up after dad and the children.
"It would make life so much easier, and the housework would get done so much faster, if other family members chipped in and tidied up after themselves.
"The fact of the matter is that many mums in the UK are taken completely for granted, and because of this they find themselves ‘mothering’ everyone who lives in the house, including dad!"
The survey also showed that 36% of mums can't stand picking up the phone only to find out they are speaking to an automated system.
A third hate to see crumbs in the butter, and the same amount often find themselves tripping over shoes which have been left in the hallway.
Lazy blokes also get the blame for things like leaving a room and not turning off the lights, leaving curtains closed when they're the last out of bed, and public hair in the bath.
Dads are accused of shaving their hair or beard over the sink and then leaving it there, dumping muddy shoes outside the back door and failing to wake up in the middle of the night when the kids start crying.
Children are also at fault – as mums hold them responsible for storing dirty cups and mugs in their bedroom, and leaving toys scattered all over the floor.
Other bug-bears endured daily by mum include narrow shopping aisles, finding the toothpaste has been squeezed in the middle and not the end, and a general lack of "me time".
The top 50 list of bug–bears also includes skinny jeans as mums find they can no longer fit into them, low waist trousers as their saggy tummies hang over the top, and school paperwork.
Kathryn Crawford added: "This poll shows that it isn't just household chores which annoy mums.
"There is nothing more maddening than making your way to the shops with the children happily strapped into the buggy, only to find there are two steps up into the shop and the aisles are too narrow to fit round.
"Similarly, shops which don't have lifts and escalators are a nightmare for mums – who either have to leave the buggy and other personal possessions in everyone's way while they shop upstairs, or ditch that particular shop altogether.
Crawford also commented on the way strangers tend to come up to children and coo over them while mums are out and about: "Why do people think it is acceptable to touch and talk to a child who they don't even know?
"Mums understandably get really upset when their child is approached by a total stranger when out shopping!"
Mums' top 20 bug-bears