Team Saskia wise up
Makosi's late night sneaking around has not gone unnoticed in the Big Brother house as the likely lads begin to wise up.
11:52 27 June 2005
Makosi's late night sneaking around has not gone unnoticed in the Big Brother house as the likely lads begin to wise up.
Craig, Saskia and Anthony have been getting suspicious about the lack of activity in the house and, at the same time, the strange behaviour of the Zimbabwean-born nurse.
Team Saskia are beginning to smell a rat about all the time she spends in the Diary Room - aka delivering supplies to the three new housemates in the Secret Garden.
And they are none too pleased when she emerged last night tipsy and stinking of cider, having had a few too many with new arrivals Kinga, Eugene and Orlaith.
Makosi insisted that BB forced her to down cans of booze before offering the remainder to the other housemates, but Saskia wasn't having that.
"You're a big attention seeking drama queen!" she seethed. "You're a selfish bitch and you'll go nowhere in life!"
Mulling over it later, Saskia reckoned Makosi had made some kind of pact with BB.
Craig agreed, predicting: "It wouldn't surprise me if they (Big Brother) made an announcement tomorrow, 'Makosi is exempt from nominations'."
He has no idea how close he is to the truth - if Makosi gets caught in her trips to the Secret Garden then she will be put up for eviction this Friday.
Earlier, Anthony also expressed his suspicions about BB's behaviour, saying: "Something major is going to happen."
The ever prophetic Craig added: "It's been too quiet these past two days for my liking."
Just you wait boys, just you wait.