Students face employment challenges and loans
Young adults have a lot to wade through to be successful and repay loans.
08:31 10 June 2013
Recent news brought Ex-Dragon’s Den star Mr. Caan under a little bit of scrutiny when it was found out that his daughters work for companies that he is affiliated with. Mr. Caan explained that companies should submit all candidates to the same expectations.
He has stated that it is important, as parents, to let children find their own way in the world and strive for their own career paths. This is an excellent idea, and is a good way to help children be self-sufficient and successful. Even though many people receive their jobs by word-of-mouth, they can learn valuable skills if they try to obtain their jobs without assistance.
Education should still be the key element to establishing a successful role in society, but many people may be leery of paying back loans. Here are a few things to consider if you’re wondering about obtaining your education:
- Repayment-loans are worrisome when you finally graduate and want to feel secure in your ability to repay the assistance. There may be helpful repayment plans for the loans, partial payments, or delayed payment plans available.
- Internships-depending on your desired career path, you may need to obtain an internship. Sometimes these are unpaid, or the pay is so little that it would not cover the payment on loans, let alone regular living expenses. Plan accordingly and ensure that you try to get an internship out of the way while you’re taking courses so you’ll be more qualified to obtain a regular paying job upon graduation. It will also show forethought and initiative if you are more qualified than other candidates who also recently graduated.
- Networking-developing a network of skilled individuals who can help alert you to new jobs, or can recommend you as a candidate can be a useful tool, but is difficult for some people to create. Social media programmes can help significantly, but also obtaining letters of reference from professors and other qualified contacts from internship experiences can assist you on your career path so you’ll be able to easily afford those loans. You can start networking as soon as you are in university, and virtually everyone you meet is a potential ally.