12:10 01 August 2016
British Special Forces could use Halo’s Neuroscience’s headset designed to boost soldiers’ physical and mental strength, following in the footsteps of their American counterparts.
The US is currently doing trials to determine the effectiveness of the technology in boosting strength training and close-quarter battle skills. The technology’s consumer version, called the Halo Sport, is now being used by American athletes training for the Olympics.
Halo Neuroscience said that the headset uses pulses of energy to stimulate the brain’s motor cortex, improving brain’s response to training.
'When the brain sends more robust signals, motor unit recruitment — or the number of muscle fibres activated — increases,’
'As motor unit recruitment increases, gains in strength and explosiveness - or the rate at which athletes can activate force - increase as well.'
The company and the Pentagon have now entered into partnership to test the headset on its elite soliders. The device is expected to help soldiers in the SAS and SBS to stay alert and strong during long, exhausting missions in dangerous environments.