Secured financial status for your retirement
You can plan for your future, and to help out your favourite charities and organisations.
12:34 29 May 2013
Television actor Bill Pertwee has passed away at the age of 86, leaving behind an admirable legacy. He is perhaps remembered by many as being a philanthropist, and he may have been so even if his financial status during his retirement years was more difficult than perhaps it was.
One of the benefits of planning well for life and retirement is that you have the satisfaction of giving back to organisations and charities.
If you want your financial status for retirement, or for any time in your life, to be secure enough that you can give to your favourite charities and organisations, follow a few of these recommendations:
- Employers - if your employer offers contributions to a pension pot, definitely take advantage of their generosity. If you’re financial status at the moment is a little tight and your employer doesn’t offer it, consider bringing up the possibility, or find an employer who will offer that benefit.
- Independent Savings Accounts (ISAs) - if you have a long time before you will need to retire; it’ll most likely be in your best interest to establish a Cash ISA and a Stocks and Shares ISA. The annual contribution is by person, so if you get two accounts the combined deposits cannot exceed the annual limit.
- Regular savings account - even with good growth from your Independent Savings Accounts, you may want to play it safe, or have a separate savings account for other purposes. These help give you a bit of security for your everyday financial status, and they don’t have a contribution limit, but you won’t earn much interest.
- Financial advisor - it will be a good idea to talk with an Independent Financial Advisor who can look at your current financial status and your goals. He or she will be able to recommend the best course of action so you can have a secure future and be able to give back to the community.