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'Jihadi John' has been identified as a Kuwaiti-born British man, Mohammed Enwazi. He is in his mid-20s and from west London.
Commentators on the conflict say that Egypt’s move is to send a bold message of retaliation to IS.
The British-accented militant known as 'Jihadi John' criticised the Japanese government for funding countries in fighting the militant group.
The victim's parents, meanwhile, said Abdul-Rahman Kassig died 'as a result of his love for the Syrian people'.
Tony Abbott said that they received an intelligence report suggesting that ISIS planned a ttack that will involve beheading a random person in Sydney.
Following the release of another video of ISIS member beheading a civilian, Obama and Cameron are ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’ to fight the gro
A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder and is now in custody.
Video warns other fighters will die if Kurdish leaders will continue to back United States.
On August 12, Foley’s parents received an email from IS militants to inform them that their son will be executed.
Former MI6 anti-terror chief says he is ‘sure’ masked UK jihadi who executed US journalist will be brought to justice.
A militant with a British accent said in the video that the move was in retaliation against US airstrikes in northern Iraq.
The suspect said she strangled her victim before cutting off her head and left hand.
At the trial of 57-year-old nurse Dale Bolinger, the court heard that he planned to behead a 14-year-old girl before eating her.
Social networking website Facebook has allowed the return of videos of beheadings and other extreme violence to its pages.