20:34 03 June 2016
Scientists in Amsterdam have launched a radical new project that aims to create smarter, more advanced robots through a process similar to sexual reproduction.
Although the idea sounds far-fetched, they have already demonstrated a proof of concept giving “birth” to the first “robot baby.” The technology allows robots to have “sex” and pass on their DNA to their offspring.
Guszti Eiben, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at VU, said: 'We have two robots that meet and mate, and just as in the animal kingdom, this results in a baby,'
The robots live, work and reproduce in an “Arena” where they are able to select a suitable mating partner.
'When they evaluate each other favourably, they send their genomes through the Wi-Fi network,' says Milan Jelisavcic, a PhD student at the university.
'A sexual reproduction mechanism then creates the new genome. Code of this genome is sent to the 3D printer then, for printing new components.'
'With evolutionary techniques, we evolve the neural networks of the robots,' explains Jacqueline Heinerman, PhD student at VU.
The lab also features a “Birth Clinic” and a “Nursery” for the robotic child, and once born, each must undergo a learning process.