09:43 21 May 2013
The latest news from David Cameron is that a draft bill will be drawn up that clearly states the Conservative position on the issue of withdrawing from the EU and how it will be handled if they win the next election in 2017.
There has been a lot of debate over withdrawing from the EU and how it would affect everyday life. Naturally finances may come to mind, and thus people would want to know what to expect should the UK withdraw from the EU.
There could be a variety of results depending on how the situation is handled. It could potentially have negative consequences on the country’s finances, but for the most part potential results look favourable.
At the very least the UK would have the ability to monitor and guide its resources without having to cater to sanctions or regulations from the European Union that typically don’t hold UK interests quite as important as those of the other European countries.
As far as finances are concerned, the potential for economic stability is significant since the UK could potentially make decisions at least a little bit faster, and can focus solely on what would be best for the economy and the country’s citizens.
It’s true that travelling between countries may become more difficult, but many will weigh the benefits of improved economic finances against the drawbacks and find that the economic improvement is worth the difficulties.