14:16 23 March 2013
We are in the busiest time of the tax filing season. Before you know it, it will be time to look forward to next year. It may be too late to do much to change the outcome for 2012, but you can get 2013 off to a great start now!
If you are committed to making 2013 a better and more productive year financially, you have got to plan ahead.
Here are four things that you can do now to start the year off right while preparing for tax returns:
•Make this the year that you finally decide to get professional help with you financial planning. If you’re worried that this might be an expense that you can’t afford, get over it.
This is an expense that you can’t afford to not have, and it will pay for itself in the amount that it can save you for years to come. You need to get organized and systemized with the way you manage your money, and it takes an experienced accountant to plan your personal tax returns right.
•Take advantage of savings strategies that allow you to put away money without being taxed. Use all of the ISA allowance for you and your spouse, and set up Junior ISA accounts for your children. Save money into a pension account. Take advantage of your capital gains tax allowance.
•Take your money more seriously. No matter how insignificant an amount may seem, any savings is good, and small savings add up to big savings over time. Approach every savings opportunity as a victory for your end of year finances. You are laying the foundation for years to come.
•Change your way of thinking. The wealthy do not get that way by thinking poor. They recognize opportunity in every aspect of their lives and businesses. Begin to think and plan wealth.
Don’t give away what belongs to you because you’re too lazy or too unorganized to get it together. Get started with your plan today on filing effective personal tax returns.