13:03 08 August 2013
Environment Minister Lord de Mauley has claimed that families should 'make do and mend'. This relates to fixing things like appliances in order to help limit waste being taken to landfill.
The Tory minister suggested this should be the case for Britons rather than people going shopping, for example for a person to fix certain electrical appliances instead of replacing them.
He also urged individuals to re-use certain things, when it comes to items such as clothing.
“Reducing waste is everyone’s responsibility”, Lord de Mauley said to the Daily Telegraph.
“What we have set out in this programme will help businesses save money, help people cut back on waste and pass on items that they would otherwise throw away.”
It is understood the suggestions comes in a bid to save money as well as reducing waste being put in landfills.
Douglas Carswell, a Tory MP, has however said, as reported by The Telegraph: “Since when do we need government to tell us what to do with broken toasters?”
He added that he doesn’t “want to live in a world” in which “DEFRA officials can decide what I do with electoral appliances.”
The consultation says people should look at where they can save money when it comes to purchasing things. It adds that this could include using carrier bags more than once, fixing things over initially buying new items and also putting things on the internet to sell.