Managing finances as tricky as tumbling after cheese?
Follow some simple recommendations to manage your finances.
09:51 01 June 2013
When it comes to finances, usual terms associated with this are “bringing home the bacon”, or “breadwinner”, but in Gloucester it might be more appropriate to use the term “cheesewinner” for those who manage their finances.
Gloucester hosted the annual cheese rolling event on Cooper Hill where contestants tumbled downhill in the hope of being the first to capture the foam cheese wheel.
Reportedly, many were concerned over the potential dangers of the event and cheesemakers were warned of potential liability if someone was to be injured during the event, so the real cheese wheel was replaced with a safer foam one.
Often times navigating finances can seem just as dangerous to some, especially when it’s the financial future as the prize is to win, or lose. Here are a few ways to help you on this topic:
- Smart spending - use that internet to pad your wallet. Search online for the best sales. Even if you prefer to shop locally and support the economy, many stores have websites so you can figure out which one is best to shop at.
- Coupons - you can find coupons on some of the strangest items; never assume that there isn’t one. Take some time to find coupon sites that you like. Many sites will allow you to print coupons. You may also have local publications which offer discounts and seasonal specials for items, or even vacations spots.
- Budget - obviously part of managing finances if setting up a budget, but remembers to include money for relaxing and splurging. You could save towards a family vacation, cruise, or spa day. Perhaps you just want to try a new restaurant in town.
- Plan for the future - planning finances is like multitasking in a way, not only do you have to actively monitor your current habits, but you have to plan for future goals as well.