18:32 13 June 2018
Little Harwood residents are tackling their ongoing problem with fly-tippers by banding together and putting up CCTV cameras in their back streets. With the £800 they raised, they bought and installed three cameras on the alleys behind Warrington and Providence streets. The residents hope that the system, which went live last week, will finally put an end to their fly-tipping problem.
Little Harwood and Whitebirk ward's Cllr Naushad Surve said: "There has been a fly-tipping problem on these two back alleys for several years. It’s the worst area for it in the ward.
"They dump all sorts of things there - fridges, other white goods, mattresses, doors and building materials.
"The residents were really fed up.
"We asked the council for CCTV but we're put on a waiting list for the loan of their equipment.
"It could have taken ages so the residents got together to raise the £800 for three cameras.
"The cameras are high-resolution and we can send images of anyone flytipping to Blackburn with Darwen council for enforcement and prosecution.
"We hope to catch some of those responsible and deter anyone anyone from dumping rubbish in Little Harwood's back alleys."