16:46 20 December 2012
Almost 1,000 members of Christian group Almighty God have been arrested over recent weeks and detained for spreading rumours that the world will end on December 21st.
The sect believes that on Friday, three days darkness will mark the end of the world and it reportedly urged its members to overthrow communism.
Aside from cult members, there are also other people who believe that the end will happen on Friday as suggested by the Mayans. Based on reports, a farmer in Hebei province, Liu Qiyuan is convinced that the prophecy will take place.
He has made seven survival pods using fiberglass, which can contain 14 people each. The pods are designed to float on water and can survive storms.
Liu Qiyuan said about his creations: “If there really is some kind of apocalypse then you could say I've made a contribution to the survival of humanity."