17:34 27 January 2017
A hummingbird-inspired wind turbine has been designed by a Tunisian startup. It features a pair of flapping wings that move in a figure-eight motion allowing them to generate energy on both the upstoke and the down stoke.
The developer, Tyer Wing, said: 'The TYER vertical axis wind converter harnesses wind power using flapping wings that perfectly mimics the motion of one of the most energy-efficient bird: The Hummingbird.’
'Invented by Anis Aouini, TYER technology is inspired from Nature and turned out to be efficient, eco-friendly and perfectly scalable.'
'No rotating blades; just flapping wings that convert wind power into green electricity thanks to its revolutionary 3D Aouininan kinematics.
Tyer Wind’s design converts linear motion into a circular motion, the same shape a hummingbird makes as it hovers. A test turbine has been installed in a remote area and is capable of producing 1kW of power. Its wings are made of carbon fibre and are 5.25 feet long. The bizarre design is said to capture more wind as well as more natural and can easily coexist with nature.