How to use funds to invest in certain companies
If you want to invest in companies who are aware of social responsibility, try these ideas.
10:12 10 July 2013
Knowing where your funds go is paramount when it comes to investing, especially if you are trying to make sure that your funds go to companies who are as concerned with the environment and sustainability as you might be.
You most likely do not want your hard-earned money going to support a company that might be considered one of the worst polluters. The tricky part is finding out about companies so you know what to invest in.
- The best place to start is the internet. First search for ethical companies to invest in, or something similar in a search engine. You should receive quite a few results that even provide you with websites, which compile the information for you. These can help you make sure your funds are invested in companies that share your concerns and passions.
- Portfolio managers are also a resource to help you find companies that match your own ethical preferences. You can invest in companies that do not support tobacco products, or that pledge to use only products that are grown sustainably. Whatever your preferences are, you will be able to find a company that meets your expectations.
- Special banks exist that deal strictly with researching to find suitable companies to invest in that meet the various requests of their clients. Many people do not want to make their money for retirement by compromising their own ethics, or beliefs about how companies should operate within society.
- Individual surveys exist that can inform you what some of the best, or most ethical companies are for you investment preferences. Also keeping an eye out for recent news articles about companies who are investing in methods or products that you also want to support can help you direct your investments.
- You can do research on your own by reviewing the website of the company you want to invest in, and then search about any affiliates as well.