16:13 12 March 2010
A mobile phone alarm that 'screams' if it travels more than 10m from its owner could drastically reduce theft, the Home Office believes.
Almost 5,500 mobiles a day are reported stolen in the UK and the i-migo mobile alarm is one of three designs to win a Government backed challenge aimed at tackling phone crime through technological innovation.
The rise in mobile working means people are more likely to be carrying portable laptops and mobile phones, posing an easy target for thieves.
There has arguably never been a more important time to consider protecting yourself against being a victim of ID fraud via your mobile technology.
But considering the many and varied ways we can fall prey to phishing, billing scams and other security breaches, how can you guard against device theft and third party fraud?
There are simple security measures that you can take such as basic vigilance when in possession of valuable equipment and information, such as strong PIN protection and the use of encryption software.
However, according to new research by Vodafone UK, over half of Brits don't regularly change their passwords on mobile devices.
Worryingly, more than two thirds of UK workers agree that if their laptop or Blackberry was stolen, the thief would have access to sensitive information.
Mobile phone identity fraud rose by over 70% last year, and both the government and everyday phone users are keen to reduce this as soon as possible.
Help is at hand. In the following video, fraud and security expert at Vodafone, Julie Steele, takes us through the correct procedures so that you are generally on guard and easy ways to protect your mobile:
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