13:31 19 November 2010
Is Christmas stressing you out already? Last Christmas seems like yesterday, but there's already decorations up in your local supermarket and Christmas songs on the radio. There seems like there's an endless list of things to do and you haven't even started!
But don't worry- there's still plenty of time before Christmas. It seems that people are starting to put up their tree's earlier and earlier each year and that makes us feel like Christmas is coming and gets us into a panic, when in reality, it's still a while away.
So don't fret if you haven't started your Christmas shopping; we haven't either! Take a look at our top tips on how to relax and beat that Christmas stress.
Great Expectations
One of the main reasons we get stressed at Christmas is the pressure we put on ourselves to have a 'perfect' Christmas. We want to recreate that perfect image of sitting by the log fire, opening presents with a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie in hand.
Alternative festive films
Have a look at our list of
diffferent Christmas movies
The reality is you'll probably be tearing your hair out listening to the kids arguing about which toy is best and whose turn it is to play with it, trying to remember which plate had the vegetarian gravy, who likes sprouts and what time to wake grandad up.
The bigger the gap between those two images, the more stressed out we become, so be realistic and remember the true meaning of the festive season. Be grateful for being able to all be together and ask yourself, if the kids are manic 364 days of the year, the odds are they're still going to be manic on Christmas Day. Accept it and just sit back, have a glass of wine and enjoy your Christmas.
You've only got one pair of hands
Don't try and do everything yourself. If you normally find yourself running around after everybody and catering to everyone else's needs before your own, stop. Just ask for someone to give you a hand. Better yet, tell them to give you a hand. So get your other half up off the couch and get him to wash up or take the dog for a walk. And while he's out with the dog, take five minutes to yourself, you deserve it!
Give it a rest
Whilst we're on the subject, have a quiet five minutes if you feel yourself getting close to boiling point. If you're close to snapping at the next family member who asks you to do something, take a break. Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Just remember, it's only a few days then it'll all be over - until next year that is!