18:06 08 December 2014
An international league table that ranks universities on the employability of their graduates has revealed that Cambridge is not only the best in the UK but also in the world.
Last year it was Oxford on top but it has now been pushed down to fourth, sandwiched between two of America's most prestigious institutions.
French human resources consultancy Emerging and German polling institute Trendence compiled the league table, the details of which are below.
The world's top 10 universities on the employability of their graduates (last year's ranking in brackets)
1. Cambridge (GB) (3)
2. Harvard (US) (2)
3. Yale (US) (8)
4. Oxford (GB) (1)
5. California institute of Technology (US) (9)
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) (5)
7. Stanford (US) (4)
8. TU Munchen (Germany) (11)
9. Princeton (US) (6)
10. Tokyo (Japan) (10)
The UK's top 10 universities on the employability of their graduates based on their global rankings (last year's ranking in brackets)
1. Cambridge (3)
4. Oxford (1)
14. UCL (13)
15. Imperial (21)
18. Edinburgh (15)
25. Manchester (27)
35. King’s College (37)
44. LSE (41)
60. Birmingham (57)
63. Nottingham (45)