11:07 11 September 2015
Giant moths are heading over to the UK and wildlife enthusiasts are hoping to catch them using ornamental tobacco plants and wine-soak ropes.
The palm-sized insects, called convulvulus hawk-moths, are coming from southern Europe and migrating to the UK during late summer and early autumn.
Atropos and Butterfly Conservation has organised “moth night celebrations” that aims to attract a number of exotic moths with the hope to build a better picture of moth migration in the UK. Their goal is to attract around 40 species of migrating moths which have appeared in the UK for the first time in last 15 years.
Butterfly Conservation's head of recording Richard Fox said: "It has already been an amazing year for moth migration and such activity usually peaks in early autumn.
"With migrants such as the massive convolvulus hawk-moth mixing with beautiful home-grown autumnal species, Moth Night is a great opportunity to discover the hidden wonders of our nocturnal wildlife at a public event or even in your own back garden."