14:29 06 November 2013
Funnyman-turned-activist Russell Brand has joined Anonymous Million Mask Protest against austerity cuts in Central London with incendiary results.
During the protest, fireworks were launched at Buckingham Palace and a blaze started just yards from its gates as hundreds of protesters clashed with police. Several similar events were carried out in cities in Australia, Japan, and New Zealand to oppose austerity cuts, corruption, and an increase in state surveillance.
38-year-old Brand has stated to the press that riots occur “when dialogue fails, when they feel unrepresented and bored by the illusion.”
The actor went on: “We are living in a time of huge economic disparity and confronting ecological disaster. This disparity has always been, in cultures since expired, a warning sign of end of days.
“In Rome, Egypt and Easter Island the incubated ruling elites, who had forgotten that we are one interconnected people, destroyed their societies by not sharing.
‘That is what's happening now, regardless of what you think of my hair or me using long words, the facts are the facts and the problem is the problem. Don't be distracted.