"I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results."
"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."
Buddha on Health"The wish for healing has always been half of health."
Lucius Annaeus Seneca on Health"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier."
Tom Stoppard on Health"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
John Muir on Health"'Tis healthy to be sick sometimes."
Henry David Thoreau on Health"Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women."
"I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results."
"Eating disorders can have serious medical and psychological consequences which, left unchecked, can kill. Parents should address this issue and ask their children to discuss how they feel about themselves."
"I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results."
"Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women."