"Our nation has kept faith with its veterans. Funding for veterans healthcare and benefits is strong, and has increased more than 75 percent in the last decade."
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
Mother Teresa on Faith"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Faith"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Faith"All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired."
Martin Luther on Faith"Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts."
Mahatma Gandhi on Faith"It is my sincere hope that hospitals across Indiana, and America, continue to strive for excellence when it comes to providing medical care. This proposed rule will be harmful to communities who wish to upgrade their medical facilities."
"As a matter of fact, when compression technology came along, we thought the future in 1996 was about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice, video, and data, and that is what we have today on these cell phones."
"Because all of us believe and understand in the fabric of the common bond of why we call ourselves American is to care for the men and women who wear the uniform and when they take off the uniform, we care for them when they are veterans."