"Love and work... work and love, that's all there is."
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
Confucius on Work"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
Martin Luther King, Jr. on Work"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas A. Edison on Work"By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day."
Robert Frost on Work"Nothing will work unless you do."
Maya Angelou on Work"If youth knew if age could."
"Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone."
"The goal of all life is death."
"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind."
"Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy."