"Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won't make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa - and it's about getting a balance."
"When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life now that I am old I know that it is."
Oscar Wilde on Money"A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money."
John Ruskin on Money"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants."
Benjamin Franklin on Money"The lack of money is the root of all evil."
Mark Twain on Money"Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it."
Mark Twain on Money"The music industry is a strange combination of having real and intangible assets: pop bands are brand names in themselves, and at a given stage in their careers their name alone can practically gaurantee hit records."
"My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, 'Oh God, I've got to do this today.'"
"A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts."
"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming."
"To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials."