"Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument, a bank has just been robbed."
"Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present."
Roger Babson on Time"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln on Time"Lost time is never found again."
Benjamin Franklin on Time"Patience and time do more than strength or passion."
Jean de La Fontaine on Time"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis on Time"Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."
"Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves."
"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
"My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual."
"Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."