"God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty."
"Great minds discuss ideas average minds discuss events small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt on Great"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein on Great"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
William Shakespeare on Great"One sees great things from the valley only small things from the peak."
Gilbert K. Chesterton on Great"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."
Winston Churchill on Great"Lord, where we are wrong, make us willing to change where we are right, make us easy to live with."
"May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right."
"God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty."
"If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you."
"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."